The “Hammam” (Turkish bath) also known as therapeutic bath is one of the oldest Unani regimen used for the treatment of some ailments. Hammam is done in a place used for bathing which consists of several rooms with one room attached/ leading to the other with specific provisions and conditions customized according to the disease to be treated. While cold bath is preferable in normal health, hot bath is generally applied for the cure of diseases like muscle wasting after massage and paralysis.
The objectives of “Hammam” are:
- To control saman-e- mufrit (obesity)
- To treat faalij-e- umoomi (paralysis) and Zubool (muscular wasting)
- To excrete or evacuate the waste products through skin
- To increase innate heat of the body (Hararat-e- ghariziya)
- To reduce Lazoojat-e- akhlaat (viscosity of the humors)
- To improve the health of the lean, thin and debilitated individuals
- To strengthen body’s immunity to fight against certain diseases
- To improve Istehala (metabolism) of the body etc.
Application of “Hammam Therapy”
Resolving the waste matters and increasing sweating, providing light heat, increasing nutrition, increasing fat and sometimes decreasing fat are some of the important applications of “Hammam therapy”.