Kai (Cauterization)

It is a special technique which is performed to burn the non-required part of a body with a hot iron, electric current, fire, or a caustic. Unani physicians have successfully used cauterant, made up of gold (mikwa) for the purpose of cauterization. It is used especially for curative or treatment purposes.

Several conditions e.g. destructive lesions, removal of putrefactive matter and bleeding etc. are treated effectively with cauterization (Kai).

The place to be cauterized must be clearly visible so that the cauterization can be done satisfactorily after good observation. In the case of deep located organs e.g. mouth, nose and anus, there is a need for using appropriate speculum, coated with talcum and armenian bole. Further it is soaked in vinegar and wrapped with a piece of cloth. Soon after use the speculum should be cooled with rose water or some other juice.

Cauterization can also be done with hot iron, silver, gold, copper and corrosive agents like strong vinegar.

It is mainly performed in two ways

  • External cauterization
  • Internal cauterization

External cauterization is indicated for necrotic and gangrenous tissues, pain management and varicose vein while the internal cauterization is indicated for anal fissures and mouth ulcers etc.

Benefits of Kai (Cauterization)

  • Kai (cauterization) is found to be very effective treating pain in the hip joint.
  • By the use of cauterization those pathogenic matters which are attached to any particular area or structure are removed or resolved.
  • By the use of cauterizations accumulation of catarrhal matters can also be stopped.
  • It prevents the transfer of poisonous matter of one organ to the other during malignancy.
  • Cauterization (Kai) strengthens the organ having cold temperament.
  • It also prevents the spread of putrefaction. It disperses and removes the putrefactive matter, firmly adherent to the particular organ
  • It helps to arrest or stop hemorrhage as it retains the flow of blood



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